Friday, August 11, 2006

where is the heat?

So its cold here in ghana. Or at least it is colder than i thought it was going to be. Yesterday we went to a refugee camp that a friend of a friend (matthew phelps) worked at this summer (if you want to learn about his experiences it was a refugee camp for Liberians. I really liked it, everyone was friendly and nice. I decided that I don't want to be here in Ghana, living in the university with a bunch of upperclass Ghanaians. I would rather be spending my four months doing something more productive. I can take classes back at home. Wish I had known that before I gave all my money to Elon to take classes. I am still going to try to get down to the camp and help out as much as i can. I feel like i can be a lot more helpful actually volunteering than just learning. Its sad, there are girls there that are prostitutes...young girls. there are children there who lost parents in the war years ago. There are former child soldiers there who are shunned by the community. The volunteers are trying to help by encouraging people to use condoms and trying to get them to go to school, but they have to pay for school (like 15USD a year). The UN is encouraging them to go back to their home country, since the current president is trying to get them back. but some don't want to go. The US isn't accepting any more refugees from Liberia.
So i have this slight dilemma...i brought my laptop and a converter to use it with. problem is, the laptop doesn't plug into the converter. Any techno savvy people that know a solution to this please let me know. (laptop has three prongs, converter has two prongs).
Here is some comedy for you: there is a restaurant here on campus called Tacobell. I thought, whoa Ghanaians eat tacos? but no no, its not. They dont sell tacos, they sell traditional Ghanaian foods. So I am a little unclear as to the purpose of the title.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you met up with Phelps and were able to see the refugee camp. Again, my favorite quote, "dont let your schooling interfer with your education" perfectlly expresses what your talking about in referance to the refugee camp verses going to classes. The refugee camp is an education, so much more than books can teach you. Alas, what can we do? Miss you! -egypt

Anonymous said...

yo u were definitely suppose to get a 3 pronged converter, they have those. U r a smart cookie and I am sure u will work it out!
Love and miss u!

Anonymous said...

Hey Justine,

Enjoy the cool weather because it's hot over here! :)

Continue to embrace your new learning opportunities. Perhaps you can make another trip in the future to volunteer. :)

In regards to the converter, perhaps there's a "connector" (for the lack of a better word) that has two prongs at one end to plug into the converter and the laptop's three prongs can connect at the other end of the converter... make sense? Don't know if anything like that is available there, but it sounds like a good concept. Hope you work it out!

luv ya