I have been in Abidjan
for two months now, and so I think it’s fine time to explain what it is exactly
I am doing during my Fulbright fellowship with the Ivoirian Ministry of
National Education.
Système éducatif Ivoirien
First, here’s some
brief background info regarding the education system in Côte d’Ivoire.
The structure of the
system is based on the French model (basically école primaire = K-5, collège = 6th-9th, Lycée terminates
with the Bac at the end). School is free until high school, after that it’s
6 000 CFA per year ($12). Unlike France, there are no school buses or
school cafeterias. Some of the problems facing the school system here include:
lack of paid professors, no materials in classrooms, too many students per
class, etc.
In villages, there is
sometimes only an elementary school, so students have to commute to larger
villages to attend middle school. Many times, they stay with family or a tuteur during the week so that they can
be closer to the school. One of the projects that the DPFC is working on is the
construction of collèges à la proximité,
where elementary school teachers would be trained to teach at the middle school
level as well, to prevent students, particularly girls, from having to travel
to school. There was an increase in the number of teenage pregnancies
associated with the tuteur system, so
they are trying to alleviate this problem.
School is also taught
in French, the national language, although there are moves to integrate local
languages into the schools, particularly in rural areas where students’ parents
might not even speak French (see blog post about this here).
My work
As I mentioned
previously, I am working in the Direction
de la Pédagogie et la Formation Continue (DPFC), which is responsible for
producing the national education curriculum and training teachers from the
primary to secondary levels. The staff is all former teachers and they work
hard and long hours. Especially now, as the Ministry of Education has just
launched a new curriculum that is slowly being introduced in schools. The
content has not changed, but the way that the material is taught has, thus
teachers are going to need new training and new curricula. They have decided to
move from Pédagogie par objectifs
(PPO – Pedagogy by objectives) to Approche
par compétences (APC – the skills
approach, which is more in line with the Anglophone model of teaching; student
ability- centered). The reasoning behind this is to bring the Ivoirian
education system more in line with other Francophone countries in Africa, who
have already made this change.
Of course, there has
been a lot of pushback regarding the shift, as teachers argue that a) there
isn’t much of a difference between the two strategies, and b) they won’t ever
be trained in the strategy (due to budget constraints, timing, etc), so what’s
the point in changing. The DPFC, thus, has to go defend the change and has put
a lot of people on the ground to train trainers to get the word out there on
the new approach. I have attended some of these meetings/trainings and have heard
some of the complaints, but also have seen that people seem to be pretty
receptive (and they don’t have much of a choice, they will be evaluated based
on the new program at the end of the year, not the old one!)
Another important
change to the curriculum this year is the shift from Education civique et morale (CM, Civic and Moral education) to Education de droits de l’homme et citoyenneté
(EDHC, Human rights and citizenship education). The change actually started in
2009, with emphasis placed more on human
rights than had been previously, but the program wasn’t elaborated/published
until this year. Since the program is new, there is a lot of buzz around it:
what makes it different from CM? Is it necessary? What should the content be? How
do we teach it? Who teaches it? How will teachers be trained? Are they (both
trainers and teachers) doing a good job? Are they teaching it using the APC? Does
it correspond with international and regional norms?
So here’s where I come
in. I get to participate in the training of professors on EDHC, evaluating
their performances/approach, and critiquing the actual content of the new
I have already read
through the curriculum, attended some training seminars, and now have visited
two schools to sit in on lessons. I expect to continue to do this, with some
exciting opportunities coming up that include: attending a training seminar by
ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) on their newly confirmed
Peace Education Manual, seminars and trainings hosted by UNESCO, and visiting
schools all over Abidjan and the interior of the country.
EDHC en bref
In August, the
government signed into law the creation of EDHC as a subject in schools.
Currently, there are no teachers who are specifically dedicated to EDHC;
instead, professors of all disciplines may teach the curriculum. It depends on
how many hours a teacher has within their own discipline (if they don’t have
enough hours, they supplement them with EDHC courses) and sometimes teachers
volunteer to teach EDHC on their own.
This presents a major dilemma:
those teaching EDHC have no training related to the curriculum. This is going
to change since EDHC is now an official subject and will be taught in teacher
colleges for future professors, but for now, anyone could be teaching the
material: a math teacher, a history teacher, a German teacher. Even those in
charge of the program with whom I work, though they are excited and committed
about teaching EDHC, are not formally trained in human rights education.
The content of EDHC
can be broken down into three main components:
Human rights education and civic education: varies from learning the various
international instruments on human rights (international convention on rights
of the child, for example) to making sure you vote and pay your taxes to
learning the lyrics to the national anthem.
Taking care of the environment: the importance of clean water,
not polluting, etc.
Health: the fight
against HIV/AIDS, puberty, , don’t do drugs, teenage pregnancy, etc.
To help with the
problem regarding lack of training, the DPFC issued a guide to go along with
the curriculum sent to teachers, which includes specific information necessary
to teach on the topics above (for example, for the lesson on instruments and
mechanisms to protect vulnerable populations from violence, the guide has a
list of all the international conventions related to vulnerable populations,
definitions etc). However, with no textbooks produced on the subject as of yet,
plus constant revisions still ongoing, I can understand why some teachers may find
it hard to convey what it is they are expected to regarding the curriculum.
Now that you know a
little more about it, I will start to write more posts on some of the
observations I have made during classroom visits and the experiences I have in
trainings. It is an exciting time as the curriculum is more or less brand
spanking new, plus it has already been heralded as extremely important part of
the national curriculum by both the Minister of Education and the National
Assembly. It’s a great opportunity to see it being put into action.
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