Tuesday, July 18, 2006

2.5 weeks and counting

So about two weeks ago I finally heard from the University of Ghana. I am to arrive at Kotoko Airport in Accra Ghana on the 7th of August at 7pm. I will be leaving North Carolina on the 6th at 1:30. Yes, I have many lay overs. but I figured a good book and anticipation should keep me busy. I have also found out that a fellow from Elon by the name of Charles will also be studying in Ghana with me. Perhaps a potential travel partner? I got some shots today and I have sent in my visa application. On top of trying to prepare for that I am finishing up my research project (our final presentations are next thursday..>Eek!). Been writing and editing like mad. Good times. I didn't get a Rabies shot...hopefully i don't get bitten by any wild animals (and if you know my current history of animal bites outside of the country you would know that I am very tasty to said creatures). I am getting excited but I am kinda worried because I don't feel prepared at all. Not to mention its been like 100 degrees here and I am complaining but heck, i will be in Africa for four months and its pretty hot there (haha understatement of the year).


Julie said...

wow justine... who am i going to sit through classes with in the spring when youre gone? i hope you have an amazing time!! good luck

Anonymous said...

Whew !!!

You are indeed the marvelous granddaughter that I always knew you were.
Go ahead, spread your wings and really fly.
My prayers are with you always.

Anonymous said...

Justine...you go girl! You make me proud to be called your stepmom. I've bragged about you to all my peeps at SunTrust and beyond. You are on a journey of a lifetime opportunity that many don't have the privilege of experiencing. Enjoy it to the utmost and retain the knowledge you gain as I am sure it will be handy for you down the road. Your blogs are interesting, keep'em coming! It sounds like you are enjoying yourself immensely. Best of luck to you as the semester begins. Love, Anna